A05班: 生命惑星
Toshikazu Ebisuzaki, Yusuke Imaeda, United theory of planet formation (i): Tandem regime, New Astronomy, Volume 54, Pages 7-23. doi:10.1016/j.newast.2016.11.001.
Ebisuzaki, T., Maruyama, S., 2017. Nuclear geyser model of the origin of life: Driving force to promote the synthesis of building blocks of life. Geoscience Frontiers 8, 275-298. doi:10.1016/j.gsf.2016.09.005.
Maruyama, S., Ebisuzaki, T., 2017. Origin of the Earth: A proposal of new model called ABEL. Geoscience Frontiers 8, 253-274. doi:10.1016/j.gsf.2016.10.005.
Isozaki, Y., Yamamoto, S., Sakata, S., Obayashi, H., Hirata, T., Obori, K.-i., Maebayashi, T., Takeshima, S., Ebisuzaki, T., Maruyama, S., 2017. High-reliability zircon separation for hunting the oldest material on Earth: An automatic zircon separator with image-processing/microtweezers-manipulating system and double-step dating. Geoscience Frontiers. doi:10.1016/j.gsf.2017.04.010.
Yusuke Imaeda*, Toshikazu Ebisuzaki, Tandem planet formation for solar system-like planetary systems, Geoscience Frontiers, Volume 8, Issue 2, Pages 223-231.
Yusuke Imaeda*, Toshikazu Ebisuzaki, The origin of high eccentricity planets: The dispersed planet formation regime for weakly magnetized disks, Geoscience Frontiers, Volume 8, Issue 2, Pages 233-245.
Yusuke Imaeda*, Toshikazu Ebisuzaki, Single planet formation regime in the high-ionization environment: Possible origin of hot Jupiters and super-Earths, Geoscience Frontiers.
Nimura, T., Ebisuzaki, T., Maruyama, S., End-cretaceous cooling and mass extinction driven by a dark cloud encounter. Gondwana Research 37, 301-307.
Ebisuzaki. T., Maruyama, S., 2014. United Theory of Biological Evolution: Disaster-forced Evolution through Supernova, Radioactive Ash Fall-Outs, Genome Instability, and Mass Extinctions. Geoscience Frontiers 6. 103-119. doi:10.1016/j.gsf.2014.04.009.
Maruyama, S., Sawaki, Y., Ebisuzaki, T., Ikoma, M., Omori, S., Komabayashi, T., 2014. Initiation of leaking Earth: An ultimate trigger of the Cambrian explosion. Gondwana Res. 25, 910-944. doi:10.1016/j.gr.2013.03.012.
Maruyama, S., Ikoma, M., Genda, H., Hirose, K., Yokoyama, T., Santosh, M., 2013. The naked planet Earth: Most essential pre-requisite for the origin and evolution of life. Geoscience Frontiers 4, 141-165. doi:10.1016/j.gsf.2012.11.001.